Support Our Mission

We encourage you to show your support and appreciation for our Veterans by attending the Honor Flight Kentucky “Welcome Home” events at Blue Grass Airport. Veterans are recognized by an Honor Guard, bagpipes, and cheers from hundreds of citizens as they parade through the airport terminal building. It is truly an emotional and heartfelt sight to behold.

Mail Call

Join us in honoring our Veterans through Mail Call. As part of every mission, we seek to show gratitude on behalf of the community for the service of our Veterans through Mail Call. Our Veterans are given cards, letters, and children’s drawings sent in from their loved ones, community organizations, individuals and school children thanking them for their service to our nation.

Things to consider when writing your cards and letters:

  • Handwritten cards or letters are most appreciated.
  • Mail should be addressed to “Hero,” “Trailblazer,” “Veteran,” (avoid referring to any specific branch of service.
  • Sign ONLY your first name, and an organization name is also appreciated.
  • Do not date the letters, cards, drawings, etc.
  • Do not seal the envelopes if used (all mail is reviewed and screened).
  • Don’t use staples, pins, or anything else that could injure fragile hands.
  • Please avoid using glitter in any drawings, etc.
  • Drawn/colored pictures are very appreciated by children, however, avoid using dark colored paper so it can be easily read.

Mail may be sent to:
Honor Flight Kentucky
P.O. Box 25025
Lexington, KY 40524

Upcoming Events

What:2024 Flight Schedule

When:October 5th

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